Quarter square triangles are building blocks for many
more complex blocks. It can also be used in borders and by itself to make
many amazing designs.
There are many ways to make Quarter Square Triangles. I find the following method to be the easiest and most accurate. This method makes 4 identical blocks.
- Cut 1 square of fabric for each of the four colors used in the quarter square
triangle. For the example picture you would cut 2 blue squares, 1 red and 1 white.
- Determine the minimum size of the squares by taking your desired finished square
size and adding 1 1/4 inches to it. For example if you want a 6 inch
finished square then cut 2 blue, 1 red, and 1 white square at least 7 1/4 inches.
- Cutting your squares a little larger than necessary makes everything easier and
allows you to be more accurate. For a 6 inch finished square I usually cut
my starting squares 7 1/5 inches instead of 7 1/4.